In full bloom

Just some blooming impressions

Time is flying, May (and my birthday) have gone and it‘s already June. 

After a lot of rain and cold days we finally had warmer weather and some sunshine this week.

Our little baby-sparrows have fledged but they are still being fed by their parents. Since they are not yet able to fly so well they usually just sit on the roof, chirping all day and wait for food.

After finishing the tests for Ana’s beautiful Gretchen blanket and Pam’s lovely Margaret square I am now working again on the tests for BebaBlanket. One of them will be released next month, yay!

Pam Knighton-Haener just had another test call. Unfortunately her deadlines collide with those of BebaBlanket so that I wasn’t able to sign up for it. But afterwards she will record a video to accompany her new square and asked me if I would be able to check the video. I am really looking forward to it! So far I’ve never crocheted from a video.

So everything works but unfortunately there is nothing new to show. So here just some impressions from our blooming garden.

Under the birch

Under the pine tree

Little Pansies


And Daisies

And that‘s all for today. Have a lovely weekend 💕


  1. Your garden is looking very colourful Eleni!

    It's a shame about your deadlines clashing but I'm sure you will have fun working from the video. I did my Nuts about Lavender Fields and the Stardust Melodies from video's along side the written patterns and it was very useful being able to go back see how something was done, if I didn't understand something or couldn't quite get it.

    1. Thank you Sue!
      I am really looking forward to the video! By the way, yesterday I read your post about the Summer Camp. That sounds like great fun too! (Only Google wouldn‘t let me comment on it - sorry - there must be a problem with my devices, its already the third time I am typing this answer …)


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